Wednesday, 25 July 2018

26th July 2018 - Singapore Dividend Portfolio

Here's a look at my current portfolio. As you can see, my main interest is income. I'll reveal my reasons for this in later blogs. But for now, here's the beast:

Singapore Portfolio 2018Yield%
REITS and Trusts
Keppel DC REIT7.00%Data Center5.32%
AimAMP Cap REIT3.00%Industrial6.19%
Ascendas REIT14.00%Commercial Property5.67%
First REIT9.00%Medical6.62%
CapitaMall Trust4.00%Malls5.20%
Accordia Golf Trust4.00%Golf course development Japan7.39%
Capitalland Com Trust3.00%Real estate4.86%
Global Investments
Acenndas H Trust5.00%7.73%
Fraser Com Trust14.00%6.58%
Global Investments1.00%9.19%
SingTel6.00%Tel Com5.49%
Starhub2.00%Tel Com9.30%
SATS1.00%Airport services3.40%
Keppel Corp1.00%Oil and gas and property3.47%
Singpost2.00%Postal and logistics2.61%
Kingsmen Creative1.40%Marketing 4.50%
Sheng Siong5.00%Comsumer stables3.03%
Thaibev12.00%Comsumer stables3.50%
Nikko AM STI ETF2%
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Singapore Investment Blogs I Follow

Singapore Investment Blogs = a bigger brain

I read tons of Singapore investment blogs and enjoy them immensely. If I may I like to give a shout out to three of my favorites:


AK- 47 is a down-to-Earth income investor with his finger on the pulse of what going on the SGX. Since I started investing, I've appreciated his honestly and succinct analysis. I value his opinion highly.


3fs is another investor who shines bright in the blog world. He gives timely, detailed blogs analyzing and speculating. He knows his stuff and makes some dam fine picks.


This blogger interests me too. I love his kamikaze REIT approach and hats off to anyone making $3800 a month in passive income.

Of course, there are loads more cool Singapore investment blogs out there, but I find the three above are the one that give me the most pleasure. For that, I thank you.

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January 2021 Portfolio Update